There will be a Senior boys’ volleyball practice today
At 12:34, any student who plays on the junior or senior volleyball team can attend
serving practice in the gym.
Developmental volleyball practice at lunch today - 12:14
Ms Gervais’ Health classes are reminded to bring pencil
crayons to class today
Jr Girls Volleyball met in the lobby at 3:05 pm ready to
leave for Leduc.
Pizza Tuesday Snafu - homeroom teachers please get your
pizza slice tally (by e-mail) to Mr. Mistol after the announcements.
Any students interested in being one of the speakers for the
school Remembrance Day Ceremony on Nov. 9th should let Mrs. Baron know by the
end of this week.
FLEX - you must be signed up today for tomorrow! Please come
to rm 103 at 12:34 if you need help