Thursday, 20 October 2016

GSA will be meeting tomorrow in room 122. Everyone is welcome. Please bring your lunch.

Don’t forget to put your name in with your homeroom teacher to win a ‘steampunk thing’ that are displayed in the front display case.

French Band practice after school today

There will be a senior boys volleyball meeting at first break in room 118.

SWAT would like all classroom doors to be spookified.  Bring the Halloween spirit to your class by decorating your classroom door.

FLEX sign up for tomorrow: block 1 and 2: grade 8, block 3 and 4: grade 9 and grade 7 anytime after block 4.  Please take a look at the session descriptions before you sign up as there are lots of new sessions and some of them are two and three block sessions.  Please make sure you select the correct homeroom and only choose sessions that you are eligible to take.

There will be a brief staff  meeting after school today in the staff room.  All staff please attend if you are able.

Jr Girls and Boys volleyball practice today afterschool

Parent Council meeting tonight at 7pm. All welcome to attend.