Wednesday, 26 October 2016

For those students signed up for Monster drawing for beginners in block 3 please make sure you bring coloring pencils to class with you.

Grade 8 students: our annual trip to the Citadel to see A Christmas Carol is on Wed, Nov 30. Please remind your parents to go onto PowerSchool to sign the permission form and pay the field trip fee.

Attention Grade 8 & 9 Band students: There is a change in Construction 9 & Foods 8 for this week. These classes are only being offered during period 4 & 5 for the band students, so any band students in Construction 9 and Foods 8 are to go to the combined practice period 3 in the band room. You will then start building and baking after your combined practice. Any questions? Please see Mrs. Baron.

Remembrance Day speakers are reminded to meet Mrs. Baron today during period 4 in Room 115.

Ms Gervais’ 9C Health class is reminded to meet in the library computer lab this morning.

Would the boys in Mr. Slade’s Phys Ed 7AD class please meet in room 109 ready to go outside this morning.

Developmental volleyball practice at lunch today… well we have games here starting at 3:45.
The choir will be meeting tomorrow at lunch.