Ms Gervais’ Health classes are reminded to bring pencil crayons to class today.
GSA meets today in room 122. Bring your lunch.
The Senior Boys’ volleyball team traveled to Leduc to play yesterday. Congrats for playing hard in a couple of tough, close games against LJH and Queen E school. There will be a Senior boys’ volleyball practice today from 3:30-5:00pm.
7A and 7D girls are to change for gym, then meet Mrs. Baron in room 115 this morning. Be sure to dress warm. It’s cold outside!
Oil King’s game is tonight!! Puck drops at 7 o’clock. Students taking the bus, please be at school at 5:20 pm as the bus will be leaving school at 5:30 pm.
WATERPOLO!!!!!! It is very important if you are interested in attending next week, you need to have forms into Mrs Gabriel or Mrs. Dorash right after these announcements! If we don’t enough interest it will be cancelled.
FLEX sign up today - grade 9’s - block 1 or 2, grade 7’s block 3 or 4, grade 8’s anytime after that. Please come to the library at 12:34 to sign up if you have not been able to sign up during the morning.