Thursday, 13 October 2016

Thursday, October 13, 2016 Day 4

Mrs. DeBoer is still looking for actors for a short Remembrance Day play. Please see her if you are interested in helping out.

Senior boys volleyball team, please see Mrs. Duru at 10:02 to discuss rides to today’s game.

Please see Mrs. Baron this week if you are interested in being one of the speakers for the Remembrance Day Ceremony here at school.

Choir practice is today at 12:14

There will be a short meeting TODAY at the morning break for any Grade 7 Band members going to Camp Evergreen next week. Please come to Room 115 at the morning break.

Tomorrow is the absolute last day for grade 9 students to hand in their immunization forms.
 FLEX - Sign up for tomorrow is as follows:  block 1 or 2: grade 7, block 3 or 4: grade 8, grade 9 anytime after block 5.  Students, please be careful when selecting your homeroom to ensure the correct one is entered!

 Mrs. Gervais’ option classes are asked to change for yoga.

We need score keepers for tonight’s game, if interested please see Mr. Mistol